The IPH is involved in research and development related to production engineering, advises companies in the industry, and educates the next generation of engineers.
IPH was carved out of the Leibniz University of Hannover in 1988 as a non-profit limited liability company, which it remains to this day. It is headed by three professors from the university.
Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the IPH staff deal with all aspects of a factory, including the logistics combining all of its processes, the automation of its production, cooperation among its machines, and the process engineering aspects of the production of individual components.
The IPH conducts praxis-oriented, interdisciplinary research in the engineering sciences. Its scientific staff of some 30 people work on research projects in the core fields of process engineering, production automation and logistics. The IPH also focuses on XXL products such as wind turbines, ships, conveyor systems for the mining industry, digitalisation and Industry 4.0, and additive manufacturing.