With more than 20,000 square metres of floor space, the centre’s modern building provides space for both Leibniz University’s production engineering institutes and many industrial and technology start-ups to work and pursue research.
With more than 20,000 square metres of floor space, the centre’s modern building provides space for both Leibniz University’s production engineering institutes and many industrial and technology start-ups to work and pursue research.
All told, around 270 engineers and scientists work for eight institutes of the Leibniz University of Hannover at this production engineering research centre, which is well known both in Germany and abroad. The focus of research at the Hannover Centre for Production Technology includes Industry 4.0, optical technologies, robotics and automation, resource efficiency, and medical technology. Start-ups and early-stage companies in the sector can rent office and work space at fair prices in the PZH start-up centre, where they can directly benefit from the latest innovations and make optimal use of synergy effects.
Der Forschungsbau SCALE entsteht in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Produktionstechnischen Zentrum Hannover (PZH).
For XXL production engineering research, an XXL building is going up next to the Hannover Centre for Production Technology (PZH): The SCALE research building is 65 metres wide, 75 metres long and 15 metres high. Four storeys could easily fit into the huge building, as they do in the neighbouring PZH. But in the SCALE building, the entire height will be used to perform research on the scalable manufacturing systems of the future. There will be no intermediate ceilings in the building’s two outer bays, leaving 10 metres of clear space under the crane hooks for machinery and demonstration units – much more than in the test facilities at the PZH. The building is scheduled to open in autumn 2022.