Special offer for children or school classes

The Royal Garden for kids

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Special offer for children or school classes: A guided tour through the Herrenhausen Gardens. 

A guided tour for children through the Herrenhausen Gardens

What exactly is a Baroque garden? Why did the King of England come from Hannover? Why members of the court enjoyed a leisurely stroll? Why did the entire Elector’s court move from the castle on the river Leine and spend the summer season from May to October in the outlying district of Herrenhausen? What are the origins of the Berggarten? All questions which deserve interesting answers. The tour of the Great Garden of Herrenhausen may also be complemented by a visit to the Berggarten.

Information and Booking


all year round on request


1.5 hours


€ 89 per group
plus admission Herrenhausen Gardens:
€ 3,50 summer season/€ 2,50 winter season per person
School classes/children under 12 years: 1 free companion per 5 children
School classes/children over 12 years :1 free companion per 10 children


max. 25 children/adolescents or a school class (max. 30 people incl. two adults)

Information and booking:

phone: +49511 – 12345 333
email: staedtereise@hannover-tourismus.de
online request

The general terms and conditions of Hannover Marketing und Tourismus GmbH apply.

Last updated: 14 Jan 2025