Christoph Rust (born 1953 in Leipzig) received the commission for this piece after a competition tendered by the Museum August Kestner for a light installation to be integrated into its façade. On the one hand, the piece had to assimilate itself into the compartmentalised symmetry of the honeycombed façade modules, but also had to assert itself artistically on the other. Rust’s concept is playful and poetic at the same time. The first of the seven lighting elements corresponds with the existing honeycombs, emerging again between the sixth and seventh segment, albeit as a gap here. After sunset, the work stages the façade with an electronically controlled sequence – and thus also all of Trammplatz, which the museum borders on one side. Further works in Hannover: »Orchid« on Weißekreuzplatz, »Monument for Tatlin« at the start of Vahrenwalder Straße. » Location: Trammplatz (Museum August Kestner façade)