Art in public spaces

Henry Moore | Glenkiln Cross

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» Location: Maschpark

Henry Moore | Glenkiln Cross (Schottisches Kreuz)

»Glenkiln Cross« by Henry Moore (b. 1898 in Castleford, Great Britain – d. 1986) was acquired by the art collector and patron Bernhard Sprengel after »documenta II« and presented to the city of Hannover. The location was selected together with the artist. Moore placed great value in a natural setting as well as a defined site. The manmade landscape in the middle of the Maschpark fulfils both criteria, corresponding with the place where the first cast was installed and which gave the sculpture its name: Glenkiln is a Scottish park where significant pieces of sculpture are integrated into the landscape. In Hannover, the object is especially accentuated by a tall base that makes a view from below possible and equally provides for a long-distance effect. In the process, fragments of a human
body can be found in the initially familiar form of a (Celtic) cross. » Location: Maschpark

Last updated: 13 Feb 2020