Art in public spaces

Wolf Gloßner | Cross Tower

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» Location: Karmarschstraße

Wolf Gloßner | Cross Tower

The sculpture by Wolf Gloßner (b. 1946 in Velburg) was initially installed temporarily in front of the shop of an applied arts dealer, who initiated the project. It was ultimately purchased by the city with the support and at the initiative of the Sparkasse with the financial support of the Niedersächsische Lottostiftung. Its unprepossessing dimensions and form make a quiet impression at first glance, first
unfolding their impact in the immediate proximity to people. The artist created an autonomous object with references to architectural history in the form of a gate that is typical of his work and which appears emotionally charged, crouched, and mysterious. It invites the viewer to position himself, to find layers and directions. In the process, its unusual height and clear vertical dynamism draws our glances upwards. » Location: Karmarschstraße

Last updated: 13 Feb 2020