The tour "Around the New Town Hall" leads from Friederikenplatz via Platz der Menschenrechte and the Maschpark to the Sprengel Museum Hannover, to eleven artistic objects and installations from the years between 1960 and 2000 and invites you to see how art works in a wide variety of urban areas - in places between urbanity, representation and tranquility, in a park and even in a pond. The focus is on works from the 1960s and early 1970s, explorations and claims of artistic autonomy by well-known international artists: Henry Moore, Toni Stadler, Berto Lardera, Eugène Dodeigne and Alexander Calder. A second focus includes contemporary art around the 1990s, installations, spatial exploration and media art - often conceptually themed or as a discussion with the public - by Rainer Kriester, Ludger Gerdes, Floriano Bodini and Christoph Rust. (All texts below are from Thomas Kaestle)