Das CRC Hannover ist das Zentrum für klinische Forschung.
Across the 6,000 square metres of the CRC, Fraunhofer ITEM, Hannover Medical School and the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) in Braunschweig are offering their combined medical expertise in early clinical trials (phases I and IIa) for the first time.
In such trials, new drugs and medical products are tested on patients and test subjects for the first time to assess their effectiveness and side effects on humans. The results of the trials are crucial to decisions on whether a new drug or medical product will be approved or not. The CRC is very close to Fraunhofer ITEM and Hannover Medical School. The centre has rooms for preliminary examinations and outpatient trials as well as 50 observation and overnight beds for the test subjects. The facility is already up and running: Fraunhofer ITEM has been testing a new nasal spray for hay fever there since July. The institute’s pollen room is also being used for the tests. The ITEM scientists are intensively researching respiratory illnesses such as hay fever, asthma and smoker’s cough.
Hannover – a thriving modern city with so many possibilities, opportunities and different perspectives – a world-class city which offers a great quality o...