Discover Hannover
The "Red Thread" Hannover
The Red Thread is painted on the pavement, is 4200 metres long, and weaves its way through the inner city joining up 36 prime attractions.

les Nanas sur le fil rouge
This is a floorline visitors’ guide of a different kind. All you have to do is follow the Red Thread!
Here you can buy the brochure for 3,- Euro:
Tourist Information Hannover | Tourist Info Neues Rathaus |
+++ Here you can buy the Read Thread online +++
Explorer the sights of Hannover with the Red Thread!
Follow the Red Thread!
This „do it yourself“ city tour is accompanied by an informative brochure which describes all of the interesting buildings and monuments you meet along the way, and is also full of interesting historical background. Furthermore the brochure describes an "ExtraTour" which is a 45 minutes refreshing detour to the banks of Lake Maschsee.
The Red Thread in 10 languages

The brochure is available at the price of € 3,50 from the Tourist Information opposite the central railway station and the Infocounter in the New Town Hall, Trammplatz 2, in German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portugese, Turkish, Russian, Japanese and Chinese.

Discover Hannover
Public City Tours
Discover Hannover with our public city tours.
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