Free public transport

HannoverCard tourist

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Clever Savings: Discover Hannover and the Hannover Region by public transport - easy and comfortable with the HannoverCard tourist!

Explore Hannover coveniently and save money with the HannoverCard tourist. The HannoverCard tourist is your travel pass for all busses, S-Bahn trains and trams within the entire Greater Hannover transport network (GVH). But the HannoverCard tourist has a lot more to offer: Experience Hannover on reduced-price city tours, enjoy reductions at numerous restaurants and visit the city's tourist attractions at reduced prices.

Onlineshop HannoverCard tourist

Discover Hannover and the Hannover Region by public transport - easy and comfortable with the HannoverCard tourist!

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With the HannoverCard tourist you save money not only in the city but also in the Region of Hannover. Many leisure parks and museums offer attractive benefits.

Prices of the HannoverCard tourist

Single ticket

1 day

13,- €

2 days

20,- €

3 days

26,- €


Group ticket (max. 5 persons)

1 day

22,- €

2 days

32,- €

3 days

46,- €

HannoverCard tourist is valid on public transport on its official validity date until 5 a.m. of the following day. This offer is valid until December 2025.

Ultima atualização: 03/01/2025