Bloggers welcome
Bart is Belgian and writes in his blog all impressions, which he has experienced on his travels. He was on a visit to Hannover.

Bart Melis is a Belgian travel blogger. On Vetexbart he blogs almost anywhere, where it is possible: On the plane, on long trips or short trips. He is always in search of something new, fascinating destinations and can’t wait, to explore the next country or city. He was on a visit to Hannover in November 2015.
The article telling from Bart's visit to Hannover can be found under
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More information about Hannover in French / Dutch:

Français / French
Hannover Tourismus dit "Bienvenue": Attractions touristiques, l'art et la culture, l'économie et la science – tous les services concernant la destination...
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Nederlands / Dutch
Hartelijk welkom bij Hannover Tourismus: Evenementen, bezienswaardigheden, kunst en cultuur, economie en wetenschap - alle diensten rondom de toeristische...
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