Auch DHL kennt die Vorteile des Logistikstandorts Hannover.
The Bonn-based logistics company also appreciates the benefits of sites in Hannover. In addition to a distribution centre near the A7 motorway in Hannover-Anderten, DHL built another freight centre in Langenhagen near the airport in 2019.
By opening its new 9,000 m² freight hub in Hannover Langenhagen, DHL once again chose Hannover as a logistics location. ‘By opening our new freight centre in Hannover-Langenhagen, we’ve commissioned another important European overland transport hub,’ said Uwe Brinks, CEO of DHL Freight. ‘The combination of a convenient location and innovative technology will make this new, future-oriented freight hub an important driver of growth in our network.’
Eröffnung des DHL Logistikzentrums 2019.v.l.n.r.: Uwe Brinks, Bernhard Wirth, Hartmut Köhler, Gero Schiffelmann, Tim Scharwath.
With an area of over 7,800 m² and more than 80 loading bays, the freight hub has enough capacity to process more than 600,000 tonnes of general cargo annually. The existing sites on Stelingerstraße and Büttnerstraße in Hannover will be consolidated at the new DHL Freight location; DHL Freight is the road transport provider within DHL.