Like nowhere else


People meet for a glass of good wine, go to the theatre, or attend a reading or a concert in the Pavillon.

Entdecke dein Hannover 

Lister Meile and Podbielskistrasse are the two main arteries of the List district. Families appreciate the quiet, middle-class atmosphere and the numerous shopping opportunities that are to be found even in the side streets. This is where people meet for a glass of good wine, to go to the theatre (Theater in der List e.V.), attend a reading or a concert at the Pavillon.

Shopping is the main topic in the List district: whether Lister Meile or around Wedekindplatz, everywhere you go you will see people with overflowing shopping bags. Shopping can be very tiring, so people in this part of the city have to keep themselves fit and many going jogging in Eilenriede Forest in the early morning.

Последнее обновление: 12 мая 2022 г.