Сердечно приглашаем Вас прекрасно провести время в Ганновере.
In the city center you have the opportunity to encounter most of the objects presented directly, to view them from all perspectives without disturbing car traffic, and to allow yourself to be taken in peace. For example, you could also address the question of whether art for pedestrian zones and shopping streets differs in shape and character from art in other urban areas. Some of the works presented come from the 1970s interested in participation and closeness to the citizen: one by Fritz Wotruba, two by Hein Sinken and one by Emil Cimiotti. A sculpture by Hans Uhlmann represented the 1960s, one each by Hans-Jürgen Breuste, Ulrike Enders, Wolf Gloßner and Siegfried Neuenhausen the 1980s. Stephan Balkenhol is represented with a sculpture from 2002 and Vera Burmester with instructions from 2005. (All texts below are from Thomas Kaestle)