Educational and professional qualifications

Recognition of foreign qualifications

Beratung bei ausländischen Bildungs- und Berufsabschlüssen.

The Hannover Chamber of Industry and Commerce can advise holders of foreign education and vocational qualifications.

This service by the IHK is open to anyone seeking advice from any occupational background. From the beginning of 2015 the IHK has also provided advice on adjustment qualifications and compensatory measures if there is a deficit in the foreign qualification. The Hannover IHK is responsible for evaluating and recognising foreign occupational qualifications in the industry, trade and the service sectors in the IHK regions of Hannover and Braunschweig. It verifies equivalency in accordance with the Berufsqualifikationsfeststellungsgesetz (BQFG) [professional qualification verification act] and issues the relevant decisions. 

>>>Here you will find further information<<<

Son güncelleme: 7 Eyl 2022