Economic & industrial structure
Finance and insurance sector
Hannover is one of the most important centres in the German insurance sector.
Major nationwide companies such as Talanx AG, Hannover Rück SE, VHV Group, VGH Versicherungen, Concordia insurance group and Mecklenburgische Versicherungsgruppe are all headquartered here. Likewise, in the banking sector big names include Nord/LB and Deutsche Hypothekenbank. With a balance sheet total of over €14 billion, Sparkasse Hannover is one of the biggest public financial institutions. Hannover is home to Lower Saxony’s stock market and a branch of the German Central Bank. The growth rate is around 8.5% – with approximately 2,000 new jobs, the industry represents a major employer.

Economic & industrial structure
Healthcare sector
With a workforce of over 66,000 and 7,000 more jobs since 2010, the healthcare sector is the flagship for growth.
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Economic & industrial structure
Automotive industry
The high skill level in the construction of commercial vehicles has made the Hannover region an international centre for the automotive industry with over...
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Economic & industrial structure
Finance and insurance sector
Hannover is one of the most important centres in the German insurance sector.
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Economic & industrial structure
Information and communications sector
Digital information and communication technologies (ICT) are major crossover technologies used everyday in almost every sector.
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Economic & industrial structure
Trade industry
Important to the building industry, healthcare and personal hygiene, cleaning and metal: unlike the other key sectors, the trade sector is not a self-cont...
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