Press release

Hannover – UNESCO Creative City (16.06.2015)

The UNESCO Commission in Paris has now approved the UNESCO City of Music logo of Hannover, state capital of Lower Saxony, marking the start of nationwide communication of Hannover as a UNESCO city. Few months ago Hannover has been elected to be UNESCO world city of music due to its manifold and creative music scene.

The new Creative City label also dominates the latest quarterly supplement "Dates for your Diary - Summer 2015" published by Hanno­ver Marketing und Tourismus GmbH (HMTG). In June, 1.8 million copies of the supplement are distributed with daily newspapers in a radius of 250 kilometres around Hannover.

A collage of photos on the cover of the supplement illustrates the great diversity of events that have earned Hannover the title of UNESCO City of Music: it features motifs from MASALA World Beat Festival, Fête de la Musique, Summer of Culture and Theaterformen drama festival.

An outdoor advertising campaign rounds off HMTG’s nationwide activities: around 200 huge billboards will be placed not only in Hannover, but also in other cities such as Bremen, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Stuttgart, to draw attention to Hannover’s new status as UNESCO Creative City.

Further information about the logos can be found in a style sheet (PDF).

Further information and photos for use by journalists are available at

More Photos of Hannover can be found at Flickr.

Download the app "Hannover Pro" directly at App-Store or Google-Play-Store.

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Museums Hannover Region - Borchure

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Contact UNESCO Office:
Coordination Office UNESCO City of Music
Kulturbüro Landeshauptstadt Hannover
Head of Office: Dr. Benedikt Poensgen
Friedrichswall 15 | 30159 Hannover
Tel.: +49 511 168-44411 | Fax +49 511 168-45073