Portrait: Hannover Marketing und Tourismus GmbH (HMTG)
Here you will find information about Hannover Marketing und Tourismus Gesellschaft (HMTG).
HMTG – a strong partner
Hannover Marketing und Tourismus Gesellschaft (HMTG), managed by Christian Katz and Hans Christian Nolte, was founded in 2008 and is Hannover’s central service provider for regional, location and city marketing as well as tourism promotion. Many leading business enterprises and associations from Hannover Region support HMTG in the role of partner companies and shareholders. The company’s activities cover a wide range of subject matters and extend far beyond the regional borders. The focus is on strengthening and enhancing Hannover’s reputation as an ideal region and location for innovation.
The objective of Hannover Marketing und Tourismus GmbH (HMTG) is to improve Hannover’s image and promote identification with the entire Hannover Region as a business centre and residential area as well as its national and international positioning.
HMTG stands for more than tourism and regional development
The company’s central remit is to market Hannover Region (comprising the capital city of Lower Saxony plus 20 other cities and municipalities around Hannover) for tourist purposes on a national and international scale. This takes highly diverse forms, such as advertising campaigns, press and public relations, websites (e.g. www.visit-hannover.com, www.hannover-tourismus.de, www.hannover.de/urlaubsregion), joint ventures with international marketing cooperatives such as “9_Cities in Niedersachsen” or the “German National Tourist Board (GNTB)”, attendance at trade fairs and workshops, organising FAM trips and press tours.
HMTG also provides tourist services and its City Break Team (sale of themed packages and guided tours of the city), Accommodation Service and Tourist Information Office deliver a comprehensive portfolio which covers every aspect of a stay in Hannover Region. Business customers benefit from HMTG’s conference service (HannoverKongress), which acts as central liaison for conferences, congresses and events of all kinds in Hannover Region and helps to organise leading congresses and business forums.
Thanks to its highly diverse activities, such as the distribution of multilingual image brochures (PDF), contributions to the annual health supplement in daily newspapers, or through its subsidiary Hannover Veranstaltungs GmbH (HVG), which organises the Maschsee Lake Festival and the International Fireworks Competition, HMTG plays a key role in strengthening Hannover’s position as a business location. It also boosts Hannover’s reputation as a shopping metropolis, trade fair location and science centre by organising diverse campaigns, brochures, newspaper supplements and information guides, to name just a few examples.
Corporate history:
Hannover Marketing Gesellschaft (HMG) was founded as a public-private partnership in 2001 by Hannover city council and various Hannover business enterprises. Hannover City and Hannover Region (since 1 January 2007) each hold 25% of the shares, the Hannover business enterprises hold the other 50%. Hannover Marketing und Tourismus GmbH (HMTG) was founded in June 2008.
Mile stones of the HMTG:

Review: HMTG 2000-2017
Private shareholders in HMTG:
- Deutsche Messe
- Dehoga
- enercity - Stadtwerke Hannover
- Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover
- Citygemeinschaft Hannover
- Gilde Brauerei
- Hannover Airport
- Hannover Concerts
- Hannoversche Leben
- Hannoversche Volksbank
- Heise Gruppe GmbH & Co. KG
- Gastro Trends Services GmbH
- Privatbrauerei Herrenhausen
- Madsack Mediengruppe
- Norddeutsche Wirtschaftsholding
- Rossmann
- Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft
- Sparkasse Hannover
- hanova
Hannover-Partner of HMTG:
- Radio 21
- Rockland Radio

Company profile
Hannover Veranstaltungs GmbH (HVG)
Hannover Veranstaltungs GmbH (HVG) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hannover Marketing und Tourismus GmbH.
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