Herrenhausen Palace is the new old center of the Herrenhausen Gardens.
Here you can discover the Great Garden in 360°:
Herrenhausen Palace was built from 2011 to 2013 as a reconstruction of the palace that was destroyed in World War II. The castle used to be the summer residence of the Guelphs. The neoclassical facade is by Georg Ludwig Friedrich Laves. Today the castle houses a modern conference center and a museum. For example, the museum houses the original bust of Leibniz, the copy is in the Leibniz Temple. For more information, visit the Herrenhausen Gardens website .
The Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen are Hannover’s most famous attraction and have been a striking example of grand horticultural style for more than 300 ye...
The new Herrenhausen Palace Museum – an amenity of the state capital Hannover, sponsored by the state of Niedersachsen – invites visitors to entertainingl...