Art in public spaces

Matschinsky-Denninghoff | Genesis

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» Location: Königsworther Platz (in the vicinity of the IG BCE building)

Matschinsky-Denninghoff | Genesis

The steel sculptures by the artist couple Brigitte Denninghoff (b. 1923 in Berlin – d. 2011) and Martin Matschinsky (b. 1921 in Grötzingen) shape the image of numerous cities, producing a comprehensive aesthetic network thanks to the clearly recognisable characteristics of their material and form. In doing so, organic vegetable processes are thematically juxtaposed with a technoid configuration. »Genesis«, which is made from welded chrome nickel steel pipes, came to the state capital in conjunction with the »Stahl 1« exhibition (Galerie kö 24). The former IG Chemie, the city of Hannover and the state of Lower Saxony were active in keeping the sculpture at its present location. » Location: Königsworther Platz (in the vicinity of the IG BCE building)

Last updated: 12 Feb 2020