Art in public spaces

Dominik Geilker und Stefanie Schmoll | o. T.

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» Location: Aegidientorplatz (on the traffic island)

Dominik Geilker und Stefanie Schmoll | o. T.

The young landscape architects Dominik Geilker (b. 1978 in Löhne) and Stefanie Schmoll (b. 1979 in Gelsenkirchen) developed the idea for this project in conjunction with a workshop supervised by Professor Udo Weilacher at the Institute for Landscape Architecture at Leibniz University Hannover. The piece is situated on a newly redesigned traffic island, the planting of grass on which was a part of the design concept. Although the installation came about in the context of landscape architecture, it nevertheless works with strategies taken from the fine arts. Located on a heavily frequented traffic junction, it broaches the themes of direction, motion, change, states and situations in an initially hardly noticeable manner. Existing natural elements like wind are visualised while naturalness is
quoted and simulated with abstract means. The project was funded by four companies whose offices are located around the work and who also actively participated in the selection of the project: NORD/LB, Sparkasse Hannover, Sparkassenverband Niedersachsen and VGH. » Location: Aegidientorplatz (on the traffic island)

Last updated: 12 Feb 2020