Art in public spaces

Vera Burmester | Liebespaare bitte hier küssen

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» Location: Knochenhauerstraße (Café Konrad façade)

Vera Burmester | Liebespaare bitte hier küssen

The object by Vera Burmester (b. 1976 in Uelzen) is above all else the bearer of an instruction to any and all who feel themselves spoken to. Instructions have been an important format of concept art for many decades. They usually function by way of the actual execution of the instructions or even the mere notion of carrying them out, thus already triggering emotional processes – it involves an
almost inevitable effect that is heightened here even further by drawing on simple everyday contexts, addressing desires, memories and media experiences. Who does not have his favourite movie kiss in the back of his mind? The instruction chargesits location with such emotions, leaving the readers with an altered view of their situation. The object is one from an edition of ten. Two further examples hang in the courtyard of the Apollo cinema in Linden and in the offices the Kulturbüro Hannover. The piece is owned by Dietmar Engel, the proprietor of Café Konrad. » Location: Knochenhauerstraße (Café Konrad façade)

Last updated: 13 Feb 2020